Have you experienced something supernatural in the Lake Champlain region? Email me at rileythechamp420@gmail.com!
This website hopes to act as an archive and database of various supernatural phenomena focusing specifically, as you may have guessed, in the Champlain region. Phenomena covered here will include stories from Vermont, New York, and Montreal, as well as personal accounts from anyone, anywhere, personally vetted by yours truly to ensure authenticity.
My name is Riley and I'm really bad at this so bear with me. I've believed in the supernatural my entire life, in a subtle sort of way; my mom raised me to be deeply spiritual, which, whether I wanted it to or not, left a sort of mark on me. In a way, this page is sort of dedicated to her, to the things she's taught me.
I'm enrolled in an associate's degree program and spend my time fucking about and learning as much as I can.
Make the world a little more whimsical. Beware the big bad wolf.